Smooth as Silke!
Guide to Conditioner

Well, we are all a little bit addicted to conditioner, and we have this idea that more is better!!! The real truth is, by overloading our hair with conditioner we can cause more damage than good. If you have a long, thick head of hair then the more conditioner you put in the harder it is to rinse out. If you have light, fine hair then the more you use the more it will weight down your hair making it harder to style. If your products are not rinsed out fully and you go ahead and start to style your hair you could cause severe damage…. We have all had the “wow is that smoke coming from my hair” moment!!!!!!
So the number 1 rule for conditioning is LESS IS MORE & RINSE WELL and the number 2 rule is CONDITION YOUR HAIR, NOT YOUR SCALP. Our scalp produces its own natural conditioning agent in the form of oil. By adding conditioner to the scalp it can actually clog the follicles and hinder active hair growth.
Different Types of Conditioners
There are 3 main types of conditioners and they are: SURFACE, DEEP-PENETRATING & LEAVE-IN. They have many different ingredients to help coat and seal the hair but not all ingredients are healthy for your hair. Conditioners are mainly acidic in pH value which means they can actually close the hairs cuticle.
Surface Conditioner
This is basically your everyday conditioner. It is the most commonly used conditioner of all. The basic layout of the hair strand has an outer layer called the cuticle and this type of conditioner works by sealing the cuticle closed from the surface which in turn keeps the cuticles closed and the hair easier to comb and brush out and smoother to the touch. Silicones are a big issue in surface conditioners as they can accumulate or build-up on the hair and cause issues with coloring and other chemical services.
Deep Penetrating Conditioner
So this is typically the treatment masque/mask or deep penetrating conditioner. These types of conditioners have extra ingredients that help penetrate the hair’s inner cortex and repair damage from the inside out and prevent breakage. This is normally done with the help of heat, as heat helps the outer layer of the hairs cuticle to open so the product can penetrate easily.
Leave-In Conditioner
Designed for detangling hair, these are normally found in a spray or creme form and are applies to towel-dried hair. They can be very effective for people with fine, oily, limp hair. This product is not rinsed out so less is more also!
How to Condition your Hair
STEP 1 – After ensuring your shampoo is fully rinsed out, take a small amount of conditioner and apply from your mid-lengths through to the ends. Using a wide-tooth comb, comb the product through the hair to distribute evenly. If you are using a deep-penetrating conditioner at this point wrap your hair in a warm towel for the required time. All products will give an indication of how long to leave the conditioner on for.
STEP 2 – Using warm water, rinse the product thoroughly from your hair ensuring the water runs clear. To help seal the hair and scalp give a final rinse with cold water. This will also help promote shine.
STEP 3 – Using a towel, pat your hair dry and wrap your hair to dry. Do not rub. If you are only using a leave in conditioner now is the time to apply. Comb out your hair and style as usual.
So just to sum up, know the product to use for your hair, do not use too much product, do not apply to your scalp and rinse well. These might seem like simple enough steps but if this product is used in the wrong way it can make your hair quite hard to handle & can cause long term issues. If you are unsure of the right product for you don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Michelle Silke x